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Technology Highlight: Auto Pull & Display TAB Demographics

giphyDOmedia’s Automatic Pull and Display feature seamlessly pulls TAB data into DOmedia’s proposal generation system. Data is directly pulled from TAB’s database into a proposal, automating the proposal process and giving sellers more time to do what matters: sell. Here are some of Automatic Pull & Display’s top features:

Personalized Proposals

Sellers are able to select multiple TAB audience demographics for the proposal. With over 100 demographics to choose from, and no limit on the amount of demographics that can be shown,  sellers can tailor their proposal to fit each buyer’s needs. Sellers can also select the number of weeks per cycle, ranging from one to four weeks, allowing even more personalization.


Sellers have the option to include CPM. Sellers can quantify the value of each board by utilizing CPM, making selling just a little bit easier.

Compare by Week

Sometimes buyers request a comparison of impressions and CPMs by week. The tool compares two week lengths in a proposal. Ultimately, this automatically separates and compares data without requiring sellers to do any manual work reducing the possibility of user error and saving valuable time.

Updated Data

No more dealing with out-of-date data! DOmedia is integrated with TAB’s  Audience Demographic database.  All data is the most recent TAB data available.

User Friendly

Because Auto Pull & Display is within the Proposal Generation system, the proposal can be viewed by anyone – including agencies not yet registered in the DOmedia system. Sellers have the ability to share a unique link by email. Sellers can continue to propose in DOmedia, no matter the buyer, creating a more efficient way to win business.

Easy to Read

Once pulled, the TAB Data is neatly organized in an easy-to-read grid. Buyers who are not familiar with DOmedia have no trouble reading and understanding the data, eliminating any learning curve.

Changes Welcomed  

Auto Pull & Display is never set in stone. Sellers can change any part of the proposal and it is reflecting in real time to anyone with access.  

If you are interested in learning more about pulling TAB data into your next proposal, click here to learn more or schedule a demo!

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