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CycleHop’s Unique Bike Share Advertising

CycleHopBike share (also known as “bicycle sharing,” “public bikes,” and “bikesharing”) is taking the United States by storm and revolutionizing the way we think about transportation and urban development. The bike share industry is growing at a breakneck pace with America’s bike share fleet quadrupling in 2013. The bikes and their associated equipment (kiosks, bike racks, and service vehicles) provide companies unique advertising opportunities. For the past 20 years, CycleHop and its sister companies have focused on motivating people to ride bicycles for both transportation and recreation.

Bike ShareUnlike static billboard advertising, bike share spreads your corporate message on a network of constantly moving bikes throughout an ad market and shows the public that your company is forward thinking and environmentally conscious. In addition to your logo and messaging making impressions on thousands of people, consumers know they are supporting sustainable transport by purchasing your brand’s products and services. Many companies throughout the United States have already discovered this unique and tremendously valuable marketing opportunity. Citi Bank, the sponsor of Citi Bike in New York, saw a substantial positive change in consumer perception just a couple months after the program launched. Likewise, companies such as H&M, New Balance, and Whole Foods have advertised with several bike share programs.

CycleHop recently received recognition for a new bike share program being launched in Phoenix – view the report on Phoenix’s Fox 10 news.  Join the bike share revolution today and advertise with CycleHop Bike Share.

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