Archive for September, 2017

What is Place-Based Marketing?

Place Based Marketing

One of the most common questions we get is, what is placed-based marketing? The simple answer is that it is marketing placed in a specific location. Unfortunately, that definition is circular and confusing. Our hope is that after reading this, you’ll not only be able to answer the question, but understand how you can utilize place-based marketing to fit your needs.

Going back to our circular definition, place-based marketing uses advertising placed in a specific location. The reason for that is so that it can target specific groups of people. And because it’s targeting specific groups of people, the place-based advertising campaign can be extremely specialized. Here are some common places to find place-based media:

  • Bars
  • Gyms and Fitness Centers
  • Gas Stations
  • Healthcare Facilities
  • Sports Stadiums
  • Pharmacies
  • Malls

Let’s use the example of a gym. You know that people who go to the gym are going to be more interested in fitness and nutritional products. So it makes sense to advertise your new protein shake there. Why not advertise your product directly to the type of people who would buy it anyhow, in a place you know they frequent?

That’s all place-based advertising is. Advertising in a specific space to specific people. Protein shakes being advertised in a gym. A new beer being advertised in a bar. Marketing based on lifestyle and location.

While place-based advertising is not a specific format, digital place-based has shown tremendous growth over the last few years. Think of the TV screens running in your local gym, bar, or doctor’s office.  Despite many people thinking only in terms of digital signage or interactive ads, place-based can also be billboards, posters, product demonstrations, or myriad other formats.