Archive for January, 2018

SSP Spotlight: Adam Malone

This is the first entry in a new series, SSP Spotlight, in which we’ll be interviewing DOmedia employees that work on the supply-side platform. We have a great team here and want to be sure you get to know each team member a little better. For our first interview, we spoke to our VP, Adam Malone.

Adam Malone

How long have you been with the company?
Eight and a half years.

What do you like most about your job?
Working with talented and passionate colleagues and customers.

What’s your best DOmemory?
I’ve loved seeing the evolution of our company – the products have gotten better, the relationships, the business models, the organizational and communication structures, etc. It’s been a fascinating journey.

How did you get into the OOH industry?
Once I crossed the DOmedia event horizon I have been unable (and unwilling) to escape!

Do you have a favorite OOH campaign? Why?
Samsung did a campaign – I believe to launch the Galaxy S6 against the current iPhone generation – that included an amazing NFC activation. The campaign included street-level and airport media in which Galaxy users could download songs or books by touching the posters. It was a brilliant branding campaign as it demonstrated a key product difference while celebrating and rewarding Samsung customers. Very well done and ahead of its time in many ways.

Before working at DOmedia, what was the most unusual job you’ve ever had?
I worked for a spring and summer at a tech start-up in Darmstadt, Germany. We were a band of interesting characters, to say the least!

What’s your favorite movie?
I’m a huge Woody Allen fan — Midnight in Paris and Vicky Christina Barcelona in particular. Godfather II is a marvel as well.

What’s your favorite band?
I love and support anything my brother Daniel does. Les Racquet and Lulu the Giant, among others.

How do you like your coffee?
Strong and often.

What is your biggest achievement to date – personal or professional?
Convincing Mary Frances Wedekind (Malone) to marry me. The coup of a lifetime for sure!

What would you do for a career if you weren’t doing this?
I would have loved the challenge of working for my father. However, there is something in my marrow that needs to build things from scratch, so I suspect I would start something new with my father’s guidance and support.

Would you rather be a tiny hippopotamus or a giant ant?
I would think that a tiny hippopotamus would elicit a far more affectionate response from the fairer sex than the alternative.

What would be the title of your autobiography?
Dreamers and DOers – the unauthorized autobiography of Adam Malone.

New Mapping Enhancements

Mapping has always been one of our most popular features. We’re happy to announce that we recently added new mapping enhancements! These enhancements should make your DOmedia experience more efficient and enjoyable.

Inventory Number as Marker Label

By popular demand, we’ve now made the marker label for mapping icons include the unit number, as opposed to a system generated unique number.



Distance Columns

We’ve added two new standard RFP template columns: Closest Location & Closest Location (mi). These columns will automatically indicate which of the client locations is closest to a proposed unit (Closest Location) and how far from that client location each unit is (Closest Location (mi)).



Mapping Coverage Report

You can now generate Excel reports to understand which client locations are well covered by proposed units and which unit covers which stores.

How many and which units cover which stores:



How many and which client locations are covered by which units:



Icon Label Sets

Custom icon color coding is now a lot more useful thanks to Icon Color Label Management. This allows you to create as many different icon color label sets as you’d like and assign them in maps. For example, you could have one label set that identifies red units as cut, yellow as in negotiation, and green as recommended. You could also have another that identifies red as Hispanic market target boards and green as general market target boards. Whichever one you select while in your map is what will show in the legend.
