6 Awesome Ads That Will Make You Want to Invest in OOH!

BuzzyOut-of-Home advertising fosters intense creativity. Take a look at these 6 incredible ad examples, and you’ll be convinced that OOH is the perfect medium for you.

1: Big Ad in the Big Apple

If the oversized movie poster doesn’t catch your attention, then hopefully the massive albino gorilla scaling a skyscraper will. Although this ad takes up a lot of space, its creative design is incredibly effective and manages to deliver all the right messaging in a very memorable way.

2: Friendly Reminders

These small posters do a great job demonstrating Out-of-Home’s versatility. Outdoor ads are sure to be seen so any messaging can be distributed using them. After seeing these it really is important to remember these two things:

  1. OOH isn’t only for business promotion anymore, it can be used for the greater good.
  2. Just be kind 🙂

3: Outdoorsy Out-of-Home

Using unusual textures and materials in an advertisement can be risky, but it can also really pay off. That being said, this movie billboard certainly benefits from its organic components. Being creative, and taking that risk really makes this ad more interesting, and ultimately the message stands out in a more impactful way because of it.

4: OOH Fit for a King

Ever since Lebron was rumored to be considering a move in free agency, cities across the nation have been attempting to influence his decision using OOH. These boards were placed in downtown Philly in response to ads that had been placed in Cleveland trying to lure Lebron away from his hometown team. Being timely when using OOH can be a great way to capture consumer’s attention. Hopefully, these boards managed to catch the King’s attention too!

5: A Hole in One

Providing live statistics, or anything of interest to viewers is a fantastic idea. Not only will it attract people’s attention, it will also build trust in your brand as people will appreciate you providing them with relevant information. You might not be advertising your brand directly, but it will still have a decidedly positive effect.

6: The Big Cheese

This message here is simple, and it’s made even more memorable through the use of the fun cheese grater component. Adding additional elements, and thinking outside of the traditional “box”, can really make a billboard stand out. This billboard might be a little cheesy, but viewers won’t be forgetting it any time soon.

Hopefully, you enjoyed these great OOH ads. If you did you should head on over to DOmedia, host of the largest database of OOH vendors in the US, to start planning a creative campaign of your own.

Upgrades to PowerPoint Export Tool for Buyers

Customized Images

You can now upload logos and slide backgrounds for PowerPoint exports on a per-client basis:

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From My Account, click on Client Management, and then choose the client you want and click Edit. These images can now be uploaded in the PowerPoint Images section:

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New Photosheet Options

There are now two style formats for photosheets. Data centric photosheets are the old style of photosheets that you already know. These feature smaller pictures and lots of data points:




Image centric photosheets are the new style. They feature much larger images and fewer data points:



New Data Point Options

Whether you choose the new or old format, you can now select which data points are displayed on the photosheet slides in the presentation:

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Market Title Pages

If there is more than one market in your RPF, there is now a title page slide generated for each market:

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Updated Market Maps

Market map slides now feature a live link to an interactive map. The new map includes a legend that is color-coded by format:






Addressability Is the New Availability


Audience addressability is currently causing a dramatic shift in the way digital advertisements are placed, but its movement towards other mediums is slow. However, if the OOH industry continues to shift towards audience addressability, an immense change should be expected. This post will work to define the concept of addressability, and predict its eventual impact on the world of OOH.

Audience Addressability Definition & Digital Impact

So, what is audience addressability? Simply put, it is the practice of using data to target consumers where they are, rather than where they are predicted to be. Doing this can be quite a difficult task. Advertisers constantly struggle to know exactly where their target audience is even when they are utilizing geographic and behavioral data. Addressability, however, is poised to help them solve that problem once and for all.

In the digital landscape, addressability works by creating individual profiles that keep track of user location and behavioral patterns. These user profiles are more effective when they are marked by an identifier, such as an email address, but many of them are anonymous and utilize webpage cookies to track user’s habits. These profiles are then combined with 2nd and 3rd party data and used by advertisers to place the right ads, in front of the right people, on the right devices.

After these comprehensive profiles have been made, targeted ads can be placed. This is done in two primary ways:

  • Probabilistic: This method attempts to create a statistical connection between users’ devices using anonymous data, such as cookies. Once this connection is made, the computer can place cross-device ads based on this “predicted” individuals preferences.
  • Deterministic: Matches some form of verified identification, such as an email, to a user IP and then places ads based on that user’s preferences and behaviors. This method is more accurate as it can follow a user’s browsing habits with a high degree of certainty.

Audience Addressability & OOH

In an ideal scenario, addressability would allow advertisers to know exactly who is viewing a billboard (or any other OOH medium) at any given time. Whether this is achieved through recognition software, cellular geo-tracking, or even purchase monitoring, addressability will eventually allow real-time delivery of outdoor ads based on location data. There are many ways this could look in practice. Addressability might allow a digital kiosk to change ads when someone who made a recent online purchase walks by. It might enable a billboard to shift it’s messaging at 6 pm every weekday to accommodate a particular group of commuters heading home. There is a wide variety of ways that addressability could impact the industry, and however you look at them, they nearly all seem positive.

So, why is it taking so long for addressability to reach OOH? The primary reason is that OOH is a “one-to-many” medium. It’s hard to make an ad hyper-targeted when the ultimate goal is to have it be seen by as many people as possible. Despite this, addressability’s potential is enticing, and the industry is slowly making the shift.

Initially, addressability was really only being done with the assistance of digital place-based mediums. However, in recent years, improvements made to display tracking systems, and the introduction of beacon advertising have brought the OOH industry one step closer to full addressability.

Tracking systems placed inside of displays are now capable of determining the age, gender, and sometimes the nationality of the people who view them. These systems can even recognize time-patterns and monitor the exact number of people who view them. The use of these systems is allowing advertisers to better understand the demographics that are viewing each location, and as a result, they are placing more effective targeted advertisements.

Beacon advertising is about as close as OOH has come to full addressability, but it still has a ways to go. This method entails that small beacons, emitting low-frequency Bluetooth signals, be placed inside of stores and retail outlets. These beacons are then used to send location-specific ad notifications directly to users’ phones. This method often requires that a user possesses a certain application though, so its productivity is still somewhat limited. The outlook is certainly promising though.

Addressability flips the traditional media-buying model on its head. Achieving full audience addressability would have a massive impact on the world of OOH. Knowing exactly who is viewing a particular board would dramatically increase the value of undervalued assets. Addressability is almost here, and when it is finding the perfect location, and buying the right assets will become easier, and more efficient, than it ever has been before.

Now that you know a little more about the concept of addressability, head on over to DOmedia, host of the largest database of OOH vendors in the US, and get your next campaign started today!

Seller Release Notes – 4/10: Filter Inventory and More Robust Autofilling

Filter Inventory

We’ve made it quicker and easier for vendors to filter the pre-filled grid to only the inventory that is available and they would like to keep in the proposal to the buyer. If there are twenty units in a proposal but only five are available, you can now enter just the five inventory numbers for the units that are available and quickly remove the other fifteen units that are not.

You’ll now find “Filter Inventory” above the proposal grid:


Once clicked, it will bring up a new screen:


From that screen, you can enter inventory numbers and/or geopath IDs. When you do so, the page updates in real time with whether or not that inventory works for this campaign. Because it is a strict campaign we want to make sure the inventory matches the buyer’s criteria. If it doesn’t, we will show the seller and not allow them to add the unit to the proposal.


Once you click filter, the proposal grid now only has the units that match the buyer requirements.

More Robust Autofilling

We’ve also added an enhancement that will autofill cycles and cycle type based on the standard 4-week cycle type. Production due date is default 7 days prior to campaign start. If you’ve ever filled in production shipping address or artwork restrictions we will now remember those for your future RFPs.

Buyer Release Notes – 4/3: Search Off Client Location List & More

Search off client location list

Users now have the ability to select a Client Location list when searching for assets on the DOmedia Search page. Selected Client Location list assets will be displayed on the search results map. Agency users can now also add or modify a Client Location list from the Search page.



Option to expand clustered pins

Users now have the ability to select or deselect whether units should be clustered on a map. Units in close proximity to each other are automatically clustered on DOmedia maps to maintain optimum performance. Users can now turn this clustering on or off. By turning off clustering, users will see all units represented individually on the map.



Improved client and vendor data import from strata

For agencies pushing contract data to Strata, the process has been improved with two new enhancements. Clients loaded in Strata can now be imported into DOmedia and matched with existing DOmedia clients (when applicable), or added to the DOmedia client list. Vendors loaded in Strata can now be imported along with the Vendor ID and Media Type.


Ability to collect production grids and spec sheets

DOmedia now allows buyers to request and collect spec sheets and production grids. This data will be submitted by vendors, then captured and compiled in a new Production Counts page.  Specification and creative detail will also be automatically stored in the Traffic Campaign page.



Tech Fees passed to media ocean

When applicable, DOmedia can now be configured to pass appropriate tech fees (TSF) to Media Ocean (MBOX) for each contract billing line item. TSF data will be pushed to MBOX via a separate Tech Fee .txt file