Digital Signage Increases Sales for Prime Burger


Digital Signage Today recently sat down with Sam Steele, Director of Prime Burger, to discuss their recent installation of digital menu boards in several stores. Prime Burger is a U.K.-based hamburger chain who incorporated a cloud-based system to allow its restaurants to interact with customers on a daily basis. Features include changing menus based on time of day, remotely making changes to any of the screens, as well as including high-quality images of menu items. After joining forces with Eclipse Digital Media to instal digital menu boards, they increased like-for-like sales by 50%.

Here is some insight on what Steele told Travis Wagoner of Digital Signage Today:

“The displays have really great image quality and bring our beautiful food imagery to life and do justice to our images. Eclipse Digital remotely update the content on the displays in each of our stores… it’s a really painless process, and all we have to worry about is updating the artwork.”

DOOH advertising has changed the way restaurants are running their business. We are excited about seeing an even greater integration of digital signage into retail spaces. If you’re interested in reading the rest of the story, you can find it on the Digital Signage Today website.

Ads we <3 – Reebok

giphy (3)Gym memberships can be a little pricey these days. Reebok’s latest “The Gym is Everywhere” campaign combines a pop-up gym with local bus shelters, offering bus passengers a gym experience, free of cost.

JCDecaux Colombia partnered with the global athletic footwear and apparel company to bring their campaign to a new level. Trainers waited at 6 bus shelters to assist bus passengers with push-ups, pull-ups and other exercises. The campaign’s reach was multiplied through photos and videos uploaded to social media.

DOmedia is hoping to see similar exercise-meets-OOH advertisements near our headquarters in Columbus, Ohio soon! Check out JCDecaux’s video below!

DO it Right: Locations & Rate Cards

It’s been 8 years since DOmedia began to solve out-of-home’s most difficult problems. However, we still get questions from vendors about how to get the most out of DOmedia. That’s why we’ve created DO It Right – a blog series highlighting our vendor’s most popular questions.


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“Why should I list my locations and rate cards?”

DOmedia encourages sellers to list inventory locations and rate cards to streamline the contracting process. Vendors are sometimes concerned that inventory locations and rate cards are sensitive information that sellers want to protect from competitors. DOmedia has security settings in place to ensure only approved, registered buyers are able to see inventory locations. Rate cards are only viewable to the seller – no competitor or potential customer can see any rate cards.

Listing both locations and rate cards in DOmedia’s secured database has added benefits for both the buyer and seller, creating a better opportunity to win business! Here are 4 benefits to listing locations and rate cards:


– Listing Locations is instrumental in many DOmedia tools. With exact locations, inventory is included in all search results and can be used in mapping. Without such locations, inventory is excluded from tools, such as specific search results and mapping. This can result in lost business opportunities.

– Buyers want to know exact locations before purchasing. Having locations listed means buyers are presented with information they need to send an RFP. Their process is quicker and simpler, making companies that list exact locations more appealing than those that don’t.

Rate Card
– Having rate cards in DOmedia’s saves time when sending proposals. Instead of searching through files in other systems, prices are conveniently located within the inventory management tools. Proposals are faster to create and that frees up time to do what matters most: selling.  

– Listing rate cards is proactively preparing for programmatic buying. Programmatic buying is the future of the OOH industry because it is what agencies and brands prefer. Listing rate cards is one small way to be ahead of the game.

If you are interested in learning more about locations and rate cards, click here to schedule a demo!

Going Above and Beyond: Chick-fil-A’s Famous Campaign

OOH ads can go far beyond simple billboards. Ads like Chick-fil-A’s Cow campaign, which incorporates three-dimensional objects, activate consumers in the highly competitive fast food industry.

chick fil a image 13-D billboards may seem costly, but Chick-fil-A adapted them as a unique cost-saving alternative to TV commercials, the favored tactic of their competitors.

The Richards Group, an ad agency headquartered in Dallas, TX, designed the billboards to stand out through larger than life creative. The tactic helped build the brand to become the “No. 1 fast-food chain in terms of sales per store.”

Chick-fil-A’s first 3-D cow campaign in 1995 featured two cows painting a billboard pleading for burger connoisseurs to “Eat Mor Chicken.”

The good ideas didn’t stop there. After the original billboard debuted, the agency continued to grow their fan base with new ideas. Themes stretched from political cows to cows talking to Santa for the holidays.

chick fil a image 2Chick-fil-A’s cow campaign is so successful because the 3-D objects are humanized when they ask the world to give up beef.

“With the cows, the conflict is never resolved. People root for the low-status character, and the cows are low status. They’re the underdog,” says The Richard Group’s Rob VanGorden, a principal on the Chick-fil-A account.

Many people have grown to love the cows over the years. The 3-D ads have received award after award, including admittance into the Madison Avenue Advertising Walk of Fame in 2007.

The cows’ have herd enough but cannot hide from the ongoing fight that will never be resolved—keeping the audience interested for years (and campaigns) to come.

DOmedia loves to see how far Chick-fil-A has grown throughout the years with the help of OOH advertising and their innovative 3-D billboards.

Ads we <3 – LinkNYC & StreetEasy

New York City is one of the most competitive housing markets in the country. LinkNYC, New York city’s free public wifi, and StreetEasy, a premier real estate company, are utilizing the power of digital OOH advertising to help New Yorkers find their perfect apartment.

LinkNYC transformed old phone booths into public wifi kiosks throughout the city. Each kiosk features digital screens for advertisements.  The Kiosks’ wifi is free to the public – funded completely by advertisers. LinkNYC debuted their first real estate campaign earlier this month. StreetEasy placed geo-located rental listings on kiosks within walking distance of the physical listing. New Yorkers can see the listings on the screen and check the listing on StreetEasy’s mobile site using LinkNYC’s wifi. Because the listing is located so close to the ad, interested apartment hunters can quickly walk to the physical location to see it for themselves.

Mobile and OOH have benefits alone, but true power lies when they are brought together. With the undeniable reach of OOH and mobile’s engagement factor, a campaign that effectively pairs them together is destined to be successful.

Finding an apartment in one of the world’s toughest housing markets can be difficult but digital OOH advertising can make the apartment hunt a little easier. Great job LinkNYC and StreetEasy on the awesome campaign!