History of Billboards

Piccadilly Circus BillboardsOne of my favorite things about DOmedia is getting to work with the entire out-of-home industry. I get to read about, talk about, interact with, and write about the best of the modern leaders, ideas, mediums and more. I get excited when people ask what I do, and I dive into everything about the DOmedia marketplace and all the exciting things happening in the industry.

Usually, though, I get a bit too excited. I’m met with an enthused but confused face, begging the question, “so… what’s out-of-home?” And the easiest way to explain it is simply, “think billboards.”

Billboards are the archetypal out-of-home media. Among the countless innovative OOH mediums and assets available to advertisers today, billboards stand as tall as, well, billboards. They’ve been around since the early days of outdoor advertising, and continue to be one of the most popular mediums available.

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What is “Digital Labor?”

Digital LaborHere at DOmedia, we are working to change the way media is bought and sold. Part of that is eliminating digital labor. That’s a term we throw around a lot, and it may not be one you’re familiar with but you’re almost certainly familiar with the concept.

It’s a huge pain point among media planners, but it may not even be one you’re aware of. For some, the drudgery and inefficiency has become part of the job. But it doesn’t have to be! (Cue Apple “1985” commercial.)

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Features You’ll Love: Fill From Spreadsheet

giphy (5)Are you wishing for a way to upload your excel file into DOmedia’s proposal grid? Your wish has been granted! Using “Fill from Spreadsheet” tool, you can download and complete the grid in excel and directly upload it into the grid once you’re finished.

The good news doesn’t stop there! Here are 3 pros of this tool:


It’s often more comfortable to use the system you’ve always used. Vendors can now use the same system to fill out proposals and upload it into DOmedia, allowing you to remain within your comfort zone.


A no brainer, this tool gives you compatible freedom in excel. No more worrying about copy and pasting. Just simply upload the file and voila! Done.


This tool was made with you in mind. To better suit your needs, this tool keep DOmedia flexible with your basic wants and needs.
Want to learn more about how this tool can better serve you? Contact our client services team today!

6 Things We Loved at the ANA Masters of Media Conference

ANA Masters of Media Conference

Photo credit to @farrahbezner!

The 2016 ANA Masters of Media Conference has come to a close, and it certainly packed a punch. We all know the media landscape is changing, but so are businesses and advertisers. That’s created a whole lot of confusion, but the speakers in Hollywood, Florida brought back some refreshing focus. Here are some of our favorite parts:

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Around OOH Digest

Hot off the press: Out of Home

At DOmedia, out of home media excites us. We love all the ways it’s being used, the trends, and the ways it’s changing. That’s why we’re always staying up to date on the latest and greatest. To share the OOH love, here’s a roundup of our favorite news, trends, insights and general fun around the OOH world this month.

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