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Google Goes to Mars?

virgle-logo.gifAdvertising on the moon is soooo 12 hours ago! I just ran across the latest Virgin/Google antics on Adrants (a must-read if you’re in the advertising biz) and needed to look into this one further. According to the post, Sir Richard Branson (Virgin) and Larry Page and Sergey Brin (Google) have joined forces, forming a new entity, Virgle, whose mission is to colonize Mars.

Apply to become a Virgle pioneer and you could win a coveted slot on a ship to Mars. It will be dangerous. It will be uncomfortable. It will be unnecessarily expensive. “But your enriched descendants will appreciate your sacrifice, which should render worthwhile your choice to spend the rest of your (perhaps radically foreshortened) life in deprivation and uncertainty,” Virgle assures you.

After watching the YouTube video and then checking out the site, I was seriously beginning to think these guys have way too much money and time on their hands…until I read this: it’s all an elaborate April Fool’s Day joke. You have to love mega-billionaires who are still having fun and love a good laugh as much as the rest of us. Of course, if this is the joke, I wonder what that means for moon-side advertising. After all, Gmail was released on April Fool’s Day too…

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