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AI and OOH Advertising

Artificial intelligence (more commonly referred to as AI) is a really hot topic online right now, especially in the out-of-home (OOH) industry. From art and text generators to helpful tools used to enhance and automate workflows, there are plenty of ways that AI can be used when it comes to the world of OOH.

AI-driven advertising is on the come up, thanks to its innovative features, benefits, and constantly evolving nature. As stated above, AI like ChatGPT can be used to help write ad copy quickly, and art generators can be used to help map out—if not create—images to be used in advertising. 

But outside of being used to help create the actual ads themselves, AI is also often used to access vast amounts of data and information, such as customer insights and demographics, as well as location information, allowing for more personalized, effective campaigns. Roughly 80% of frequent shoppers consider purchasing from companies who have personalized their experiences; with personalized AI plans, advertisers globally are using targeted ads to strengthen their brand awareness with the right customers, in the right locations. 

AI can also be helpful for those who are looking to identify subgroups via audience segmentation. Namely, Machine learning (ML) is often used by marketers to look for patterns based on factors like messaging and audience behavior to create more tailored and personalized ads. 

TL;DR: AI can be really helpful in the OOH world when it comes to making more informed decisions regarding personalized billboard campaigns, and getting those creative juices flowing. 


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