Tech Update: Changes to OOH Media Categories

As of today, media categories have been updated across the DOmedia platform. This change brings DOmedia in line with the industry standard categories in both the U.S. and Canada, as set by the overarching measurement bodies of each (Geopath and COMMB, respectively). Additionally, categories not measured by COMMB or Geopath have also been updated to create an improved representation of the OOH landscape.

Buyers will see updated categories within the Search, RFP, Contracting, Mapping and Client Authorization tools. Buyers doing business in Canada will see categories aligned to the COMMB standard, buyers doing business in the United States will see categories aligned to the Geopath standard.

Sellers will see updated categories within the Add Inventory, Proposals, Mapping, & Contracting, again Sellers in the U.S. and Canada will see categories corresponding to their respective measurement organization.

The images below show the condensed and expanded category selection views for both the U.S. and Canada.

Additionally, venues have been changed to be associated with their appropriate Digital Place-Based category, and it is now possible to include/exclude digital options within a media category.

We recommend sellers take a look at their inventory to ensure this transition has not created any unforeseen changes. We also recommend buyers familiarize themselves with the updated categories.


Billboards and Political Advertising


This week, the BillboardsIn blog is discussing how local, state and national political campaigns can all benefit from political advertising. They discuss the benefits of mixing media and how to successfully utilize outdoor political advertising.

The best practice is to use all of these formats to target voters repeatedly with different messages about the candidate’s beliefs and platform. Adding OOH to other campaign advertising increases mobile 316%, social media 212%, traditional TV by 18% and Radio by 45%.

This article was originally published on You can continue reading the full article here.

Show off Your Assets – Embed a Map on Your Website

New York Transit Shelter Locations – XYZ Media

Show potential buyers what you’ve got, by embedding an interactive map of your media assets directly into your website.

These maps offer all the awesome functionality you already love from DOmedia including:

  • The same images and photosheets you’ve added for agencies using DOmedia
  • Impressions per cycle and audience demographic data
  • ZIP code shading and Google StreetView
  • Find and display nearby businesses or points-of-interest with Google Maps search

Vendor Spotlight: Catchweight

Catchweight_DollarRentalCar Phoenix_Advertising_TruckDOmedia, the host to the largest database of OOH vendors in the US, is constantly encountering innovative vendors. In our Vendor Spotlight series, we attempt to highlight these companies and explain to you how they are pushing the industry forward. Today we’re focusing on Catchweight.

Founded in 2011, Catchweight is an award-winning marketing agency headquartered in Columbus, Ohio with offices in Los Angeles and New York. They offer a unique portfolio of hyperlocal truck-side marketing solutions. This allows them to efficiently reach new customers at scale. With general-routing, ads are displayed on trucks driven by certified carriers actively making deliveries. For those who want more flexibility, they also offer controlled-routing. This option utilizes dedicated drivers for 8-10 hours per day to penetrate market events to provide unmatched brand awareness for advertisers.

A large part of what makes Catchweight successful is their veteran leadership team. Jason Ohlson, owner/founder/president,Catchweight_Chicago_Advertising_Truck is a passionate entrepreneur and the former executive editor & principle of C: The Columbus Magazine. Jeff Alderman, executive director of client management, is responsible for business development and paid digital marketing practice. Nick Dodson, director of marketing, is responsible for delivering results-oriented brand marketing programs and media campaigns.

According to Ohlson:

“Catchweight believes our clients are best served by a dedicated team of veterans. We take this approach specifically because it enables transparency, speed, agility, and responsiveness. We leverage data to de-politicize decision making and guide our choices. Everything we do is designed to drive tangible and measurable scalable business results.”

If you want to learn more check out the vendor page here.

Want to be featured on our blog? Fill out our short vendor questionnaire here.

Our Top Five Valentine’s Day Billboards



This week, BillboardsIn counted down their top five favorite Valentine’s Day billboards. See which brands did their best with chocolate hearts and diamond rings.

Snickers used their iconic tagline to save Valentine’s Day. This billboard had 300 replaceable valentines pedestrians could peel off and take to their loved ones. Snickers is also reminding you to grab some chocolate, more specifically a Snickers, to gift alongside the card.

This article was originally published by BillboardsIn. Follow your heart and read the rest of the countdown here.