#UpForWhatever? Bud Light Accidental Star of Super Bowl Commercial Sells Media on DOmedia

ian-rappaportBud Light has used its latest Super Bowl ad to introduce its new tagline: “The Perfect Beer For Whatever Happens.”

Incase you missed it, a hidden camera followed an unknowing guy named Ian who meets a woman named Kelly at a bar in New York and agrees he’s up for “whatever happens next” when he accepts a Bud Light.

The next thing he knows, Ian is in a stretch limousine filled with beautiful women and comedian Reggie Watts on their way to a bachelorette party.

The video ends with an epic party, but not before Ian meets a string of celebrities in a series of awkward yet hilarious encounters.

Ian is a great sport about the whole once in a lifetime experience, and jokes about his return to work at a DOmedia registered vendor, CMS Consulting Group.

CMS Consulting Group is a national Out-Of-Home (OOH) advertising corporation offering targeted media solutions to meet the needs of our clients.

When your #UpForWhatever in your next media campaign on DOmedia, consider Ian and the CMS Consulting Group. Who knows, you might just have a once in a lifetime media buy!

Did you miss the commercial? Here’s the video compilation from the commercials during the Super Bowl:

Top Reasons for Buyers to Use RFP 2.0

1. No more building formulas in Excel

By simply using our download feature the following calculation/Formulas added below proposal rows that change dynamically:
Download Button Screenshot

  • COUNT: Rows,
  • SUM: Impressions/Cycle
  • SUM: Units
  • SUM: Total Campaign Rate Card
  • SUM: Total Campaign Net Media Cost
  • CPM: Based on Net Media Cost

2. Instant Revision Tracking

We know each campaign is a little different and by using the download feature you can take a snapshot of the campaign as often as you like and it will date and timestamp your folders.

Download Revisions

3. Instant Reporting

When you hit build report you can click through proposals by format, market and vendor it’s a great way to analyze the pile of proposal information you get back.

Bucking Tradition – How real is OOH’s programmatic future?


I cringe sometimes when I hear Out-of-Home described as a “Traditional” Media.

Context matters, of course, as the “Traditional” label can signify longevity and a strong foundation on which to build.  It can also imply that our industry is stuck in the past – like we haven’t changed since big tobacco had the Malboro man plastered on every bulletin from New York to LA.

The fact is that OOH is beginning to do some very “non-traditional” things.

One of the hottest trends heard in agency boardrooms and industry panels is programmatic buying.  The official definitions of programmatic read something like, “The use of machine-to-machine operations to automate the buying and selling of advertising space.”

As I see it, the following issues must be overcome before programmatic buying and selling will account for a meaningful percentage of overall OOH ad spend:

  1. Digitization of OOH inventory
  2. Real- or Near-Real-Time access to Inventory
  3. Standardized Planning and Buying Currencies
  4. The Construction and use of Buying Algorithms

(1) There is no doubt that OOH operators are converting huge amounts of static inventory to digital.  Digital Place-based has also emerged as a meaningful category.  We lack some standardization around ad units, and there aren’t too many networks large enough to compete with other reach media on their own, but the shift is happening and is likely to accelerate.

(2) Vistar, NEC Vukunet and others seam to be leading the charge in this arena, as they have built and maintain APIs into content and sales management systems.  It is tough to be on the ‘bleeding edge’, but the work is noble and I hope that they succeed in bringing transparency and accountability to the digital place-based segment.

(3) The TAB’s OOH Ratings are a great step in the right direction, and their recent decision to “open up” access to the data cloud to 3rd party technology partners is another huge leap forward.  The DPAA has done work here in the past, and Nielsen and Arbitron have developed meaningful business segments auditing “Traditional” as well as digital OOH media.  Universal trust and consistent usage remains an issue, but we are (again!) moving in the right direction.

(4) The technology certainly exists today to build out these algorithms.  In fact, DOmedia took the industry’s first algorithmic planning and buying tool to market 5 years ago.  The fly in the ointment is not on the technical side, it’s behavioral.   In an industry where experience and relationships are strong currencies, the idea of turning over decision-making responsibility to a series of algorithms is unsettling if not outright terrifying to many “traditionalists”.  To these folks I’m here to reassure you – we have a ways to go before “black boxes” are doing all of our planning, buying, and selling.

There’s a famous quote attributed to Roy Amara that says, “We tend to overestimate the effect of a technology in the short run and underestimate the effect in the long run”.  My personal opinion is that this is the primary reason why so many companies have fizzled out trying to bring systematic and programmatic buying and selling tools to market.  They underestimate the behavioral inertia of agencies, brands, and media companies, and they overestimate the impact their first, second, and third renditions.

There will be an inflection point in the not-so-distant future for programmatic.  I’ve outlined a few key issues you can monitor to help you predict the timing.  Whatever your outlook, consider this:

If “Amara’s law” holds true, we are in for an exciting and unexpected programmatic future!

There Are New Gifts Under the DOmedia Tree

HolidayLogoThe stockings were hung from the chimney with care
in hopes that DOmedia would soon be there.
The buyers were nestled all snug in their beds,
while visions of media buys danced in their heads.

The holiday season is upon us, and more shoppers than ever are out and about, trying to find the next great gift to put under the tree.  Holiday events at zoos, amusement parks and throughout communities all over the country are also attracting millions of Americans who are getting into the holiday spending spirit.  Be your brands favorite buyer by checking out some great new media sellers who could provide your brand with the big gift or great stocking stuffers it has on its holiday wish list.

Animals Inc.

Animals Inc.Who doesn’t love going to the zoo? Many zoos offer holiday specials and programs that attract millions of Americans every year who are still looking for that great gift for their loved ones, or themselves. Animals Inc, based in Silver Spring, Maryland, can put your brand in front of all of these zoo goers every day in some of the top zoos ranging from The Bronx Zoo in New York City to the Columbus Zoo in Columbus, OH, to the Saint Louis Zoo in St. Louis, MO. Check out Animals Inc to get the perfect gift for the animal loving brands in your life.

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Times Square Domination

Times Square Domination
I’m dreaming of a bright Christmas, just like the ones I used to know, where the campaigns glisten, and children listen, to hear your brand’s name in the snow. I’m dreaming of a bright Christmas, with every campaign I write. May your buys be merry and bright! And may all your holiday buys be bright! Why not put your brand’s name in the bright lights of Times Square with Times Square Domination? Your brand can take over one of the most popular destinations in New York City, by creating an immersive campaign as well as be up on 20+ screens within Times Square. Be a holiday star, and put your brand’s name in the bright lights of NYC with Times Square Domination!

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Digital Caddies

Digital Caddies
Sure it’s a little cold up north, and golf may not be the first thing on your mind, but it is always in full swing where the weather in still warm. Follow the geese and snow birds to the great golf courses of Los Angeles, CA, Phoenix, AZ or Fort Myers, FL of the south to put your brand in front of an affluent and engaged audience.  Golfers of all levels spend hours on the course every day, and your brand can be right there with them on every hole. Drop by our clubhouse and check out Digital Caddies to make your campaign a hole in one!

Rouse Properties

Rouse Properties
“Three phrases that sum up Christmas are: Peace on Earth, Goodwill to Men, and Batteries not Included”. – English Proverb
It’s no secret that the holiday season is one of the busiest times of the year for the malls of America. Millions upon millions of shoppers run between stores to try to find that one great gift that will lift them to the hallowed “best gift giver of the year” status in their family or circle of friends. Rouse Properties can ensure your brand will be at the forefront of the holiday shopping season! With markets spanning the country from California to Texas to Ohio, Rouse Properties can make sure your brand is seen and heard by your target audience.

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CycleHop’s Unique Bike Share Advertising

CycleHopBike share (also known as “bicycle sharing,” “public bikes,” and “bikesharing”) is taking the United States by storm and revolutionizing the way we think about transportation and urban development. The bike share industry is growing at a breakneck pace with America’s bike share fleet quadrupling in 2013. The bikes and their associated equipment (kiosks, bike racks, and service vehicles) provide companies unique advertising opportunities. For the past 20 years, CycleHop and its sister companies have focused on motivating people to ride bicycles for both transportation and recreation.

Bike ShareUnlike static billboard advertising, bike share spreads your corporate message on a network of constantly moving bikes throughout an ad market and shows the public that your company is forward thinking and environmentally conscious. In addition to your logo and messaging making impressions on thousands of people, consumers know they are supporting sustainable transport by purchasing your brand’s products and services. Many companies throughout the United States have already discovered this unique and tremendously valuable marketing opportunity. Citi Bank, the sponsor of Citi Bike in New York, saw a substantial positive change in consumer perception just a couple months after the program launched. Likewise, companies such as H&M, New Balance, and Whole Foods have advertised with several bike share programs.

CycleHop recently received recognition for a new bike share program being launched in Phoenix – view the report on Phoenix’s Fox 10 news.  Join the bike share revolution today and advertise with CycleHop Bike Share.

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