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What is Street Team Advertising?

Kohls Street Team

“What is street team advertising?” you ask. In today’s blog post we breakdown the basics.

The hope with any ad is that it reaches out and engages with consumers. That it catches their attention and makes them seriously consider the product or service that is being advertised. If you want to be sure it does, you can always hire a street team.

A street team is a group of people who are in the streets promoting your product or service. They will speak to people about your product and make them engage with it. They might put on a public performance for your brand. It’s very common for street teams to give out samples or perform demonstrations.

Street teams are very effective at creating excitement and enthusiasm for a product. This makes them great for new product launches. The best way for consumers to learn about your new product is to have someone literally put it in their hands and tell them about it face to face.

Street Team Sample

This kind of experiential marketing is perfect for getting your product noticed in a very direct way. When you offer an immersive experience, people are much more likely to talk about your product to friends or family. They’re also much more likely to share it on social media. Street teams can help you go viral. Increase your chances of this happening by having your team hand out free swag. Combine traditional swag (t-shirts, frisbees, buttons) with something a little different to make your brand stand out that much more.

You can use street team advertising to sell virtually anything and the options are limitless. Obviously, thought and care need to be taken in the planning process. A street team promoting a new food product would look very different from a street team promoting a new music album.

Still unsure about street teams or how they can work for you? Take a look at some of the example videos below to see them in action.

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