Subscription Profiles – Reach More Agencies and Advertisers

Having the industry’s largest marketplace for OOH agencies, advertisers, and media sellers also brings a large challenge – keeping search results accurate and highly relevant. In order to improve the search experience for buyers and maximize exposure for sellers, DOmedia has just launched a Subscription Profile service. This help buyers find what they are looking for easier and brings REAL business opportunities to sellers.

With the new Subscription Profiles, DOmedia’s team builds and customizes your media profiles, with information you provide, to optimize your exposure in our internal as well as all external search engines. A Subscription Profile represented as a unique category/subcategory combination includes location level detail as well as free leads from request quote traffic. And we’ll keep your information, including locations, media kits and images  updated with a quarterly audit and incorporate any changes necessary to your profiles. Company and Basic Profiles are still free to create yourself, but the depth of information included with Subscription Profiles will increase your visibility significantly.

Gain visibility using DOmedia’s marketplace

» Over 700 registered agency and advertiser companies – all out-of-home formats
» Projected $1 billion in media planning/buying in 2013
» Thousands of real business opportunities (RFPs / RFQs)
» Manage RFPs easily from a single dashboard. Get updates and revise proposals quickly
» NEW – “Subscription Profiles” provide detailed media information for agencies to find and buy from you

More details about Subscription Profiles

» Give the buyers what they want – accurate and comprehensive information
» Detailed information at the buyers fingertips create a better buying experience including profiles with audience information, locations, rate cards, and media kits
» Stand out from basic profiles – Subscription Profiles include a “badge” and have preferred search result placement to help buyers find solutions with comprehensive information
» DOmedia reps will update your profiles quarterly to ensure accuracy
» Receive free sales leads from “Request Quote” links on all of your profiles

Media planners and buyers want to know which profiles have complete planning information – Subscription Profiles will include a badge differentiating them and also have preferred search result placement so they are easy to find and view.

The annual Subscription cost is also 100% rebateable against your annual RFP fees, so it can pay for itself with successful orders placed through DOmedia. See more here or contact and we’ll get you started!

Learn More About Subscription Profiles »

OOH Innovation at 2013 Ignite OAAA/TAB Conference

Last week, like many of you, I attended the 2013 Ignite OAAA/TAB Conference in Los Angeles. I probably saw some of you at the tradeshow, workshops, general sessions or receptions. The conference was very well attended, in fact one of the best attended in recent years, and there was a buzz of excitement and enthusiasm about the direction the OOH advertising industry is moving.

The presenters and panels shared and discussed some great information, and whether you buy or sell digital, alternative, or traditional OOH media, there was relevant information for everyone. One main theme that seemed to keep appearing was Innovation. Continue reading →

Buy Me Some Peanuts and Ad Campaigns

DOmedia has a star studded line up of new sellers who want to make sure your business hits a home run with every campaign! The summer season is packed with thousands of opportunities to grow your business through out of home media campaigns! Each year thousands of baseball fans flock to 27 of the top markets in the country including New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Dallas and Miami to take in the sun shine and enjoy America’s pass time. Let’s not forget about the boys working hard in the minors too, as thousands more travel to secondary markets like Raleigh-Durham, Columbus, OH and Albuquerque to see the up and coming stars of tomorrow. Don’t fall behind in the count by missing out on the thousands of opportunities to grow your business that will be packing the stadiums this summer! Check out the new sellers coming up through our system who could be a future star in your line up! Continue reading →

Faster. Smarter. Better

Buyers RFP 2.0 DOmedia

Buyers becoming faster, smarter, and better.

DOmedia isn’t the first and certainly won’t be the last to use those three words to describe a new product. Our latest innovation, RFP 2.0, is the manifestation of industry leaders coming together with a shared purpose, they want to DO media better.

Faster starts with the foundation of DOmedia. Over 750 vendors and 1,000 media buyers are actively using DOmedia today. Easily searched and accessible, DOmedia provides quick access to millions of data points in ways that mirror buyers’ processes. Our RFP tools help buyers manage multiple campaigns with multiple vendors in multiple media formats. It centralizes communications and status updates while providing quick access to submitted files with a fast “download all” function. Continue reading →

Navigating through the RFP 2.0 Process

By now, most of you have seen our new version of the RFP Tool’€”RFP 2.0. We have gotten a lot of great feedback and common questions from sellers, which have assisted our development efforts. We will have an update with some new functionality, and I wanted to give you a heads up. In addition, I thought some useful tips might help you quickly navigate through the process.

Remember, the information below only refers to our DOmedia Standardized Template on Step 2, not individual templates customized and attached by the buyers.

Update Improvements
We are making some updates that should help make the process even easier for media sellers. Updates to the built-in template and dashboard will help you save a good deal of time.

The first update to the process is on the spreadsheet on Step Two. Our Standardized Template on Step Two will have a Live view, which will make the table bigger and easier to read. This will allow for easier scrolling as well.

Download All on RFP 2.0

Download all feature on RFP 2.0

Our next improvement is the new Download button that will be viewable on the dashboard after the Terms of Service are accepted. The Download button will allow users to download the entire DOmedia Standardized template (including the headers) to their computer. This file will download as a zip file and opens as one Excel file.  No more copying and pasting from the template to Excel to work on it! Also, any information that you have already entered into the template will also download into the file. This function will allow a snapshot of your spreadsheet any given time. This download file can be saved on your computer as a record of what was sent to the client. Any attachments that you add will not be downloaded, only the Standardized Template will download. Continue reading →