Thinking differently about OOH – the technology “leap” forward.

Out of Home AdvertisingDOmedia is proud to support the Outdoor Advertising Association of America’s (OAAA) initiative to ‘€œtake another look’€ at out-of-home.  In fact, we couldn’t be more excited about the fresh focus and perspective that is included in the re-positioning of the OOH brand and the role that technology can play in this effort.

I clearly remember the OAAA Star Showcase in the fall of 2008 when DOmedia unveiled our ‘€œdiscovery’€ tool that signaled the start of a journey that continues to gain momentum and parallels many industry initiatives.  In the past four years we have learned a lot (understatement of the millennium), adapted our model (understatement #2 of the millennium) and remain open to continued evolution to serve the industry’s needs.

As one of our team noted, we moved from ‘€œan expert tool, to a tool for experts’€ specifically in addressing one of the industry’s key target audiences ‘€“ advertising & media agencies.  We’ve been living and breathing ‘€œinnovation’€ since our inception ‘€“ using technology to help shift thinking of the industry.

Our ‘€œmarketplace’€ ‘€“ the first in the industry ‘€“ has also helped the industry reach another target audience, advertisers.  We’ve ‘€œconnected’€ thousands of local and regional companies and look forward to making future advancements with this audience by helping them better understand the impact of the medium and the finding the companies that can help them do so!

We’ve found the challenge of fostering technology adoption to be very challenging ‘€“ and probably similar in many ways to what the industry will face to re-define its brand.   Ultimately, these opportunities do not rest with a ‘€œthing’€ but an idea or belief that lives with people and the market.

And with that, we share the vision and optimism that our industry has for its future!

Ken Sahlin
Chief Operating Officer
DOmedia, LLC

Announcing October and November’s Newest OOH Advertising Sellers

DOmedia, the Out-of-Home Advertising Marketplace, continues to grow everyday. Over the past couple of months we have welcomed 20 new out-of-home media sellers offering endless advertising possibilities. With nationwide locations, and formats ranging from print to mobile, doctors offices to cruise ships, these vendors have you covered. Whether you’re searching for a new vendor to execute a familiar campaign, or browsing for some entirely new way to reach the consumer, DOmedia has it all. Read on to learn more about what these new companies offer and request a free quote today from their DOmedia profiles.

Click any company name below to view their Company Profile on DOmedia and Request a Quote for your campaign today.

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A Halloween Serving of OOH Advertising

Trick or treat?!

Like most people in the fall, our users often get a sweet tooth around the Halloween holiday… Some have a sweet tooth for out-of-home (OOH) media in the advertising industry.

Give into your cravings while you check out a healthy alternative to Halloween candy on DOmedia.  Composed of 700+ media sellers, DOmedia has the largest database of media sellers in the OOH industry.

Want to take a bite of the OOH advertising industry in your next media buy? See the “nutritional facts” of OOH media categories you may choose from in your next search on DOmedia.

Begin Your Search Today »

What Four Years Has Taught Us: The OOH Industry Doesn’t Need an Expert Tool

When we introduced DOmedia at the OAAA Star Showcase in the fall of 2008, we thought we had a brilliant idea. Thanks to industry feedback, our technology and business model have evolved from an expert tool to a tool for experts! Together we have grown over 300% and we are still the world’s largest OOH media marketplace. Thank you for all the support and feedback that helped us reach this point. DOmedia remains committed to adding value and growing the OOH market by providing incremental business opportunities and working towards an industry-supported path to standardization.

700+ media sellers have posted their assets in the DOmedia marketplace. On the other side of the marketplace, 1,000+ media buyers have used the DOmedia platform to execute 20,000+ plans and searches in the past 12 months. OOH needs tools that integrate with industry relevant data sets. The most efficient way for those integrations to be used by buyers and sellers to create value is to have them hosted on a centralized data resource. A centralized resource will provide seamless end-to-end workflow that will help the industry leap forward and gain a greater percentage of the overall advertising spend. Our strategic partnerships with TelmarNEC, and our participation in industry associations (OAAA, TAB, DPAA, IAB) reaffirm our belief in system integrations. Feedback from those two groups and DOmedia users informs our internal tech development processes and ensures we are building an industry-vetted solution.

DOmedia Vision for OOH

Your feedback has challenged us to address how our technology meets industry needs:

  • Improved search, discovery and planning – Our dynamic search tool is self-directed and can be used at any stage of the RFP process. Media sellers can be found by format, audience measurement type and demographics. Search results can be further filtered by geographic parameters and displayed with data visualization tools.
  • Standardization of the RFP process – We have taken the incremental steps towards standardizing buyer RFP templates and media proposals. Standardized templates allow OOH to be planned and bought on a larger scale similar to other media, which saves significant time for the buyer and seller by removing RFP redundancies.
  • Telmar Integration ‘€“ For the first time, Telmar’s TOPS plans with TAB OOH Ratings data will be able to be converted into an RFP with a single click. The most trusted OOH media measurement is now seamlessly incorporated into the most widely used RFP tool.

With your continued participation in our development efforts, we will increase demand by providing a more compelling value proposition of OOH media’s capabilities. We will keep improving RFP workflow and simplifying the access to data that better informs buyers, planners, and ultimately the brand client. From the use of our technology we are producing meaningful reports that benefit all industry participants.

We welcome and encourage you to share your thoughts on furthering the evolution of DOmedia’s vision for OOH. Let us know if there is anything else we can do to add value for you and your company. You are the industry experts and we are here to help you grow!

Fall is a Season of Changes

Kim RamserFall is my favorite season, mainly because of the new opportunities and changes that arise. For instance’€”the weather changes, football begins, school starts and planning ramps up. Recently, with your feedback, we have implemented many new changes to our site to help you sell more efficiently. We also have many exciting updates coming to our site within the next month or two. We hope these  improvements will give you more opportunities to grow your business.

Making new sales tools

Our developers have been busy refining our RFP Tool by adding enhancements. I hope you have been able to use the Archive button in your RFP Dashboard to make the dashboard easier to view. We hope these tools have made your dashboard easier to keep track of your active RFPs and make it a little easier on the eyes.

Another enhancement we recently added was a ‘€œfix’€ to the downloading of RFP attachments created in the new Microsoft formats’€”(you know, the files with the ‘€˜x’ at the end) for users that prefer Internet Explorer. Hopefully, you have found using these documents much easier than in the past.

Many of you may have already seen our Create Photosheet button under your Manage My Inventory link. In addition to mapping your inventory, you can now create pdfs of photosheets to send to your clients in one document. Simply select which pieces of inventory you want to propose, then hit the button and save as a pdf. This is a great time-saver for many sellers.  The only caveat is that you have to have your information in the system. You might want to check your current information and add any photos, location data or description information on your products.

Below is a list of data points included in the photosheets:

  • Contact information (Logo, address and phone)
  • Location image (first picture selected for each location in DOmedia
  • Location geographical Information
  • Cross street description
  • Inventory number
  • Impression data
  • Map image’€”automatically generated from the location data

So, log on and check to see how complete your information is currently, and contact your DOmedia representative to walk you through the upload process.

Which brings me to our next enhancement’€”an inventory upload link. Now, you can download a template and populate it with your information for a quick easy upload. It is a great way to upload many pieces of inventory at once without the hassle of uploading each asset at a time.

Soon, we will be adding two new geographic search criteria’€”CBSAs and Counties. We are making it easier for planners and buyers to pinpoint more pertinent areas to bring you more targeted requests. For instance, if you are in 4 of the 7 counties that make up a DMA, then the buyer will have a better idea which counties you are in rather than sending an RFP for the other three counties instead. These enhancements will bring you more applicable opportunities and save you time.

So what happens when you are sold out and don’t have the requested inventory available? Well, we have even made our decline process easier. You no longer have to decline your RFP from the dashboard. You can decline right at the bottom of the RFP Project brief. That makes it easier for you and lets the buyer know right away that you will not be submitting a proposal. Again, saving you time from having to refer back to the dashboard.

Working to make collaboration easier

Our Share button was designed to help you include other team members into your RFP process by giving them access to your RFPs. Many sellers have found this helpful when they are going to be out of the office, or have to collaborate with other offices. Here’s a helpful tip: when you are going to be out of the office for an extended amount of time, let us know. We can make one of your co-workers a default user to ensure that an RFP doesn’t inadvertently fall through the cracks. Then, when you return, just click on your dashboard to see which RFPs have been answered and which ones are still outstanding.

In addition to our share button, we are updating our system in next release to include a print button. You will be able to print your brief to a pdf for emailing, or print it out and give it to the charting or trafficking department. This should save a lot of time making the collaboration part of the process more efficient.

Providing more visibility

We have introduced a strategy access to our agency users. What does this mean to you? It means that we are working hard to recruit planners to our site to give you a better chance of making it into a media plan.  Starting at the beginning, instead of scrambling at the end, is always more effective.

Another improvement that has been added is the additional visibility to research and audience data. Now, when a buyer searches the site, they will automatically know how your audience data is measured. So, if you use ZIP code information for a location, then the buyer will see that designation. Or, if you subscribe to a custom service, like the Traffic Audit Bureau, that label will also be visible in the search results.

If you would like additional information on any of these updates or enhancements, or if you have feedback, please contact us at