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5 Reasons Why Your Digital Place-Based Advertising Proposal Didn’t Get Bought


So you’ve spent three painstaking hours putting together a proposal for a potential media buyer – making sure your impressions numbers are accurate, formatting pictures and PDFs, and crafting a professional email showing off the value of your media – only to find out your proposal didn’t get bought. Based on the hundreds of requests for proposals (RFPs) sent by media buyers to Digital Place-Based networks & other media companies through DOmedia, here are five potential reasons why your Digital Place-Based proposal didn’t get bought:

5 Reasons Why
Your Digital Place-Based Ad Proposal Didn’t Get Bought

  1. Client canceled the campaign.
    Your proposal was great, the client just canceled.
  2. Buyer chose other markets.
    Even though the buyer asked for all 210 DMA’s, she only bought media in four of them.
  3. Your creative didn’t fit the venue.
    The buyer included 30 companies in her soft drink RFP only to later find out that your screens are located in doctor’s offices. The buyer would rather advertise in malls and super markets where the creative has more relevance to the target customer.
  4. Your media is not measured.
    Many buyers are looking for measurement and proof of performance in their digital placed-based buys. Although you have the same venue type and reach as your competitor, he is 3rd party audited which gives the buyer confidence that her client’s money is being spent wisely.
  5. The RFP was just for planning.
    The good news is nobody got bought because the buyer was only interested in getting the most up to date information to create a media plan for her client.

We understand how valuable feedback can be when your proposal isn’t bought. That’s why whenever a media buyer declines a proposal through DObuy (DOmedia’s media buying tool for agencies), they’re prompted to give you a reason why. It’s just one more way DOmedia can help you DO business, better.

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