3 Reasons Out-of-Home Advertising Is Up

A recent article by MediaPost reported that out-of-home advertising revenue continues to rise, despite total ad spending declining nearly 7% for the 2nd quarter in 2015. Out-of-home and local radio are the only forms of traditional media seeing significant growth, with out-of-home rising nearly 3.8% in the 2nd quarter. As the leading OOH marketplace, DOmedia has identified 3 reasons for OOH continuous growth and success.

Manhattan wallscape via Outselling, Inc.

Manhattan wallscape via Outselling, Inc.

Great Reach – With increasing mobility, consumer are away from their homes an average 70% of waking hours per day. Out-of-home advertising provides more reach to the on-the-go consumer, as it is visible on their commutes in various formats: roadside billboards, bus wraps and even stair graphics.  Out-of-home can reach consumers in ways other categories of traditional media cannot.

Great Value – Out-of-home is highly efficient as it delivers impressions at a lower CPM, saving advertisers big bucks. Television advertising typically has high CPM costs and production costs. Print advertising has costly frequencies, low reach and high clutter. Out-of-home provides more cost efficient advertising, with a range of $3.38-$8.65 per thousand impressions nationally.

Great Creative – Out-of-home advertising gives creative teams freedom to be innovative on a whole new level. Companies like Apple are utilizing their own customers’ photos for breathtaking wallscapes.  Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company captivates pedestrians with 3-D images. Out-of-home advertising allows companies to showcase their creative abilities on large scale formats that isn’t possible in other forms of traditional media.


Great Timing – With the presidential election arriving in a year, campaigning is in full swing. Political candidates realize reaching millennials could be the key to success in the 2016 race, but reaching these millenials has proven difficult. Millenials are on the go and becoming immune to traditional advertising, but OOH media offers the opportunity to grab their attention. 

Click here to read the full article on MediaPost.com

Accelerated OOH Platform Growth on DOmedia

New age of automated media buying is upon us

Strength of DOmedia Platform in OOH

Since the launch of our RFP application in 2011, the DOmedia platform for buying and selling OOH (Out-of-Home) Media has grown significantly in total number of professional users and companies doing business on the platform. By the end of 2016, we expect that over 8,000 professionals across 5,000 businesses in the US alone will be active on DOmedia.


Digital Inventory and Automation Trends

As OOH media inventory continues move from static to more digital, both buyers and sellers are adapting to a more flexible environment. A new way of doing business has also emerged. We are now in the age of automation, as brand clients require more transparency and better analytics to justify ROI. Phone calls and emails are still helpful but not a necessary means of communication for processing large amounts of media buy data. Business processes must continue to advance to meet this demand for effective and efficient campaigns.

Rapid Increase in RFP’s and Proposals Online

As client behavior meets this growing demand for digital automation, we anticipate a rapid increase in OOH media buys transacting online. By the end of 2016, an expected total of 10,000 RFP’s will have been sent from buyers and a total of 50,000 proposals uploaded from sellers. An incredible amount of market intelligence is being gathered and will only allow our clients to create better campaigns much faster, saving valuable time while increasing overall revenue and profits.


Cedar Fair is introducing Fun TV

When 82% of your guests say they’re interested in being entertained while waiting in line for rides, you listen. And then you act–with FUN TV. Cedar Fair’s In-park TV network can deliver hundreds of millions of impressions with a variety of customizable content.  Think of it as the fun, before the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun.

The Network at a Glance:

  • Target Millennials & families.
  • 97 minute dwell time.
  • 89% of viewers enjoyed watching during their wait.
  • We are flexible with activation, including on-site presence & street teams.
  • Halloween Haunt events across the footprint, providing unique environment for sponsorship!


Connect with Cedar Fair:

Trey Harb
Director of National Sales
704.281.2875 – m

View Cedar Fair on DOmedia »

Death by Spreadsheet

How Not to Be a Casualty of “Digital Labor”

death-by-spreadsheet-imgIn different industries, this term can mean different things, but most of the time, it’s not good!  In the OOH industry, digital labor is all of the email, spreadsheets, presentations, photos and other documents that are shared between buyers and sellers.

A recent DOmedia analysis showed that the average buyer solicited proposals from an average of 5.9 media companies per RFP, resulting in 6.7 file attachments per response.  This means the buyer is faced with downloading almost 40 files before she can even begin figuring out what might work for her client!

The challenges don’t end there – today’s media buyer must also be a spreadsheet Ninja to get templates in some comparable format to analyze then recommend the media.

When she finally gets client approval, it’s 8:00pm and all that is left now is to type up the contract.  The numbers are starting to look fuzzy because it’s getting late.  No worries, any mistakes will get caught…eventually.  It’s been a long hard day of “digital labor”!

At DOmedia, our connected applications eliminate redundancies and errors by reducing digital labor and the risks posed to media buyers. Strategists can search our industry leading database for client solutions then create project briefs that go directly to buyers. From there the standardized RFP easily compiles  media provider proposals for analysis.  Revisions? No sweat! All easily handled from the buyer’s dashboard insuring all parties have the most up-to-date RFP information and status. Once the client high-fives you for a job well done, have no fear – creating a contract from proposals won’t make you late for dinner with our integrated contracting application.

It’s not to late to save yourself, drop us a line to learn more.  Together we can minimize digital labor at media agencies!

Updates to the Media Data Table

Our tech team has been hard at work making improvements to the functionality and appearance of the Media Data Table in the RFP process. Below is a list of updates and a screenshot to show the enhancements we have made on the Media Data Table within the RFP process.

  • (New) Frozen rows and columns are now more visually apparent
  • (New) Ability to resize all rows and columns within the table
  • (Updated) The autocomplete fields have scrolling built into them
  • (Updated) Improved scrolling experience throughout the Media Data Table
  • (New) Validation errors are now grouped by column

For more information on how to use the Media Data Table, go to our support center »